Ubuntu: Connecting to Internet through a Proxy server

You usually either have the proxy server as user:password@host:port or an automatic configuration script like http://some-script-path

Getting Browsers to work:

You would expect that the only setting that needs to be changed is at the ‘Network Proxy’ settings, and then press the ‘Apply system wide’.

[Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot] System Settings > Network > Network Proxy
[Ubuntu older that Ocelot] System > Preferences > Network Proxy

That is usually enough to get the browser working. However,in my experience this is not enough to get ‘apt-get’, Ubuntu Software Centre, Update manager to work.

Getting ‘apt-get’ to work:

In order to get these working you have to create /etc/apt/apt.conf (if it does not already exist, which in my case never did), and add the following lines to it:

Acquire::http::Proxy "http://user:password@host:port/";
Acquire::ftp::Proxy "http://user:password@host:port/";

Retrieving “host:port” from automatic proxy configuration script:

If you are using an automatic configuration script like ‘http://some-script-path’ then open a terminal and type

wget http://some-script-path

This should save the script in your current working directory. Look into the script, and try to understand the host:port value it is trying to return for your IP address.

Look for statements like:

return "PROXY host1:port1; PROXY host2:port2";

You just need to use one of them. If you cannot determine one of the ‘host:port’s returned by the automatic configuration script then it is out of my scope. I do not know how to configure Ubuntu so that ‘apt-get’, Ubuntu Software Centre, Upgrade manager etc. can make use of automatic proxy configuration script. I think it just does not support this as of this writing.

To know your current IP address try the following command:

/sbin/ip addr show

Setting http_proxy variable:

Certain programs may still fail to work properly. For example, Dropbox could not download its proprietary daemon. To make all things work properly run the following command.

echo export http_proxy=http://user:passwd@host:port/ >> ~/.profile

Then logout, and log back in.

Do not rely on the ping command to verify if your proxy settings are working properly for reasons explained here.

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